Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thinking out loud Thursday, part dos...and a giveaway

Its that time again... a short but oh so sweet post.

1. Is it bad that I am working on this post, instead of doing work for work?
I mean, it's 6:45 p.m. and the thought of jumping back into typing up a report sounds awful. 

Who am I kidding? Nobody uses the Woodcock anymore (and yes that really is an IQ assessment kit.)

I bet you're wondering out there, reader, why I blog about not having time to blog? Good question. What I wouldn't give to be a full time runner and blogger. But, for now, you have a full time school psychologist, half athlete, and quarter blogger. Maybe when I get a dog, husband, baby, BQ I'll be more interesting.

2. My FAMILY is coming up this weekend!!!! Well, I guess just my parents, but who's excited?? I am!

(Oooh, I just realized we all have the same shaped head.)

3. I think I have a giveaway coming...
I think and know its similar to Run Eat Repeat's.... not exactly the same, but similar. It was just a stroke of good luck and since I'm feeling generous, I wanted to share that with my readers. I will post about it on Monday morning. All of my pseudo stalkers will have to comment on my post...and the winner will be announced the following Monday, February 3rd (in honor of the start of my half marathon training).

4. My mom...and yes, I'm seriously typing this correctly.


Which one you might ask? Oh, just the Biggest Loser Half Marathon in Killington, Vermont at the end of July.  It's not a hundred percent and she always has the option of dropping down to the 5k, but she is definitely interested in taking part since her cousin has picked up the running bug.  The producers of the Biggest Loser are calling it a run/walk, in order to inspire men and women to take charge of their health and accomplish a goal they never thought was possible.

We are going to create a team and I'm going to stick with her the entire way.  Run, walk, or crawl...I don't care because we are making it to the finish line.

5. I missed yoga.
Ce la vie! I guess there is always a plus to being a school psychologist, and when you get to witness it first hand, you know you done good. So what if I didn't get to the gym on time. My heart is happy.

Let's chat:

What are you thinking about on this Thursday? Is anyone having sushi for dinner, because I'm craving it?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Why do you think I normally take a week to write a post? I also 'blog' at work but only steel a little time at a time, so I write all week long. I'm not a real blogger, I just have a blog to write a couple of running related stories...



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