Friday, January 3, 2014

Five Things Friday

It's time I participated in this little thing in the Blog World dubbed, "Five Things Friday". I basically share five things either about myself or interesting facts I've discovered in the past week. Let's get started, shall we?

1. I think I've decided on a half marathon training plan that will start up on 1/13 or...wait...I think I've also decided on another half training program that's 9 weeks, meaning I wouldn't start until 2/3.  I need some help on this one and I'll tell you why, but first take a look at the plans:

Plan 1:

Plan 2: (Mind you the dates and the BAA half are not what I'm training for. This is the intermediate training plan for those who were completing the BAA half back in October).

I know that increasing my mileage is the way to improve my running, but I also know that I get burnt out pretty easily from training plans. What's a girl to do!!!?? Can someone please weigh in?  My goal is to break 1:45 for my next half.

2. I was just texted these photos from Chris as he was pulling out the shovel from my car. Apparently, you're not supposed to leave cans of root beer in your car when the temps drop below 0 degrees. This is the result:

Yes, the end result is frozen root beer on the wall of my beautiful new CRV.

3. Have you seen this article about 89 Life Hacks ?  It's awesome!  Some of my favorites include:

Chris was feeling all motivated and decided to try out this one last night for dinner...

AND OMG IT WAS SO GOOD! Nom nom nom.

4. Instead of doing a spin session today, I'm going to run 5 miles. Basically, I lied to you yesterday when I said I was going to try to hit up a spin class.  I'm hoping my total weekly mileage will be 25 for the week, which is pretty good considering that I'm trying to dial it down before we start training again. Geez, calm down, I'm no SkinnyRunner, who averages 50-60 miles a week and even ran 31 miles for her 31st birthday in December.  

OH, by the way, RIP to SkinnyRunner's blog as she took it down on 1/1/14. To those of us in the blogging world, we are sad to see you go. You were quite the inspiration and I read your blog every day since I discovered it in 2010. 

5. Chris and I are headed to Ebi Sushi in Union Square this evening. The only reason we are headed to that specific place is because they have Natto Sushi, which Chris has been dying to have me try since his trip to Japan in 2011. I don't know if you know what Natto Sushi is, but its basically fermented soybeans on top of a piece of sushi.  To my understanding, it smells HORRIBLE and tastes just as bad.  We are talking the worst smells and tastes you can imagine.

Even though we are doing this as a food challenge, Natto's offensive taste and odor brings with it a plethora of health benefits. Some of those include vitamins (K's and B's, and 1,2,3's) which are important for skin health, as much protein as a serving of meat the same size, aiding the reduction of blood clots, and helping to ease pain to damaged intestines due to food allergies.  

Be prepared to be entirely grossed out by my post on the experience. I feel sick already just thinking about it, even if it does make a man out of me. 

What about you? What's on tap for this weekend? 

Any tips as to what running plan I should use? 

Have you ever eaten anything as a food challenge that made you sick just by the thought of it?

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